Gratitude is a great attitude


We dwell in a fast world wherein we rush to fulfill our wants and needs without leaving a thank you note to people who lend us their hand in our need. When we ruminate over what we can offer to those who helped already and help us now is nothing but saying a humble phrase "Thank you"Let us take a moment to sit back and reflect upon how many thank you notes we have left for someone and how many thank you notes we have received from someone this week.  The wonders that this simple act of admitting thank you can bring us is indeed astonishing. 
1. Admittance of thank you boosts optimism in us
2. Admittance of thank you keeps heart healthy
3. Admittance of thank you offers a sound sleep
4. Admittance of thank you pushes us towards success
5. Admittance of thank you elevates confidence level
6. Admittance of thank you helps us out in stress
7. Admittance of thank you improves our immune system
8. Admittance of thank you makes us patience 
9. Admittance of thank you drives us to stay focused on goals
10. Admittance of thank you strengthens the relationship eventually

Bearing all these amazing benefits in mind, let us leave a humble thank you note to those who lend us their hand in need, be it an auto driver, be it a server, be it a tea maker, be it a stranger guiding us on our way, be it a shop keeper, be it a colleague who lends us a pen, be it, someone who gives us a place to sit in the bus, be it, someone who clarifies our doubts, be it, someone who offers us water to drink, be it a seller, etc. 

I strongly believe that gratitude is a great attitude that keeps humanism alive in us. 

I thank all my readers whole heartedly for all your support and encouragement without which this beautiful piece of work is not possible at all. Kindly follow my page, pour your comments, your ideas and your suggestions. 

My phone number - 9513097707
My Instagram Id- liberated.being

With a profound grattitude 
Deeliban Michael 

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